Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 29: Reflecting on Conference and the Covenant Path

It sure was great to see your faces in conference! It was so awesome!

 Weather in Colombia has been about the same. One day raining and one day Hot as anything I´ve ever seen!

Speaking of conference, I learned much from Elder Rasband about the Spirit, and it really is just a familiar feeling. I had an experience that I didn´t see as a prompting at the time, but now I do. We were contacting, and there was a lady in a big hurry. I felt that I should contact her, so I did. We barely had time to get her number and address! Well, long story short, The family of 5 are now progressing on the covenant path, and realizing that this church is the way back to their heavenly home.
I know this gospel is true. I know that God Lives. Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I hope that all of you at home can discover this joy everyday, of the plan of the Father. Repentance is a gift, and we should use it. Big things or small, it is the only way to a happy, and fulfilling life, and progressing to become like our Heavenly Father.
I love you all!
Élder Lewis

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