Monday, March 12, 2018

Weeks 77 & 78: A Pillar of Light (18 month mark)

note from Jessica: Elder Lewis is having difficulty communicating with us via the recordings he usually uses, so this week is a two for one, again. Enjoy! 

Well, the recording wont work this week either...

here in the area we´ve had some great stuff going on. My perspective on things continues to become bigger and bigger. I´m very grateful for that.

-We found a woman named Ivanis, who left from a christian church frustated because she didn´t think that what they taught, apart from the screaming and "recieving the holy ghost" was right. She was praying to know which was the true church, out of frustration. At the same time, Elder Gulla and Elder Prestwich were passing by. They felt prompted to talk to her. But then she went up to her apartment... so they waited. Then after ten minutes she came down, and there they were. The answer to the prayer she had just said. The first lesson I had with her, I was on divisions with Jairo Tarazona. I don´t cry very often in the lessons, but as I said "I saw a pillar of light," the magnitude of the statement hit me. I wept, and so did she, and the spirit filled the room. She has a baptismal date for the 31 of march.

-We found out that this area has some impressive history. The church started here in 1986 with the family of Frank (our pensionista) and he told me about how much Elder Hunter and Elder Shepherd meant to him. He bore to me powerful testimony of how the gospel has changed and saved his life. We´re organizing a family home evening to see how we can bring that fire back to this area! I´m so excited!

-Elder Prestwich caught a crab down by the river. And it had babys. And then disappeared. We havent seen it ever since...

Love you all!
Que Dios Les Bendiga!
Élder J. Lewis

An old colonial cathedral. Here, Simón Bolivar signed the Declaration of independence of Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Perú, and ecuador from the Spanish rule! It was destroyed by an earthquake 300 years ago.

Pet Monkey 
For Dad: Here's a tire shop in Villa del Rosario! Pretty sweet, no?

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